Join a PRPIL online
drop-in session
PRPIL’s Customer Success Manager offers open office hours for candidates and/or their mentors on a monthly basis. The drop-in sessions occur every 3rd Thursday of the month from 3:00-3:45pm EST. These sessions are great for asking questions, seeking clarification, and addressing any issues or concerns as you navigate the PRPIL program.
Please complete the form on the side to gain access to the recurring monthly MS Teams video meeting link. A member of the PRPIL team will email the meeting link to you the day before the session.
These sessions are for current candidates and mentors only. For prospective candidates looking to gain information about the program, the startup requirements, and other general information about PRPIL, please register for one of our information sessions.
Please note: each meeting session will remain open for 10 minutes. If there are no attendees within that window, the meeting will close.
We look forward to welcoming you!