International Student Barometer Registration Form:

Fill out the below form to obtain your quote and begin your contract process:

10% Early bird discount on all prices for registrations before May 31st 2025

Standard Pricing: US$10,000
International students, full time & part time, campus-based including incoming exchange students.  All levels of study. Students studying offshore at overseas campuses and students on English language preparatory courses are excluded from the analysis. Includes benchmarking against regional and global comparisons.
Planned wave 2 fieldwork window ~22nd September to 15th December

Survey Customisations

Price: US$5,000
Upgrade to include domestic students in the survey.  
Requires participation in ISB.
Price: US$700 per question
Option to add your own questions to the survey. These will not be included in benchmarked outputs as they are only relevant to your own institution.
We will get in touch to discuss any bespoke questions with you.

Survey Deployment
Only one deployment option may be selected

Price: US$3,000
Unique link per student. Survey pre-population. Links distributed by Etio. Includes single URL login page, launch email and targeted reminders (max. 5).

Optional Outputs

Price: US$700
A comprehensive presentation pack will be provided which covers all key areas of the survey as well as wave on wave analysis where appropriate and applicable.
Price: US$1,200
Tailored presentation or staff briefing.

All prices shown are exclusive of any applicable taxes. Total costs will be confirmed by email from your regional consultant.